book summaryThe classic best seller, Catch-22, by Joseph Heller follows Yossarian, a paranoid, cynical bombardier pilot, who struggles to survive in WWII. As the disjointed and nonlinear story progresses we meet more and more of Yossarian's comrades and slowly learn the the struggles and instabilities each of them bring to the table. There is Hungry Joe who screams every night while he lives through fresh horrors in his dreams. There is also Milo Minderbinder, the genius mess officer who is slowly taking over the world with his black market business, M&M Enterprises. As Colonel Cathcart slowly raises the number of missions the men need to fly before getting sent home, Yossarian is forced to face his own worst fear; dying. Then as the story progresses and more and more absurdities in the system are unveiled, Yossarian starts to give up hope that he will ever reach the ever-increasing mission count. As his friends begin to die, he is plunged deeper into the system he hates so much. Eventually an escape route is offered him. A crooked deal with his superiors gives him the chance he has been yearning for but there is a catch, as there always is for Yossarian. Will Yossarian ever escape the absurd war scene that Heller painted? Or will he forever fall into never ending catch-22 that is war?
the next great war movie: catch-22
2 different movie pilots for the next great war movie, coming to theaters near you on February 30th 2013!